Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Closing this chapter

So, Gabe & Sam will be leaving Dhaka this weekend to fly home for their summer sports.  That being the case, this week has been a wild blur.  They leave in four days!  Sam has his MS basketball tournament this weekend and we promised the boys we would host a dinner/gathering for them and their friends so they can all say their goodbyes and have one last hangout.  This is always the hardest part.

We have all made good friends here and will miss them truly.  Dhaka has been a wild, crazy, fun, short ride but one that was 100% memorable.  Where are we going?  We are headed to beautiful Brazil to work at the Graded School Sao Paulo!!!  I was looking to transition from the classroom to admin and sent Rich my paperwork for his professional review.  His response was "I have a math and counseling job for you and Billie Jo."  That was totally not expected and to be honest, we turned it down at first.  Then we thought about it more wisely and accepted the positions, and we are sooo glad we did.  The next chapter in our lives will be coming to you from South America and the wonders of Brazil.

Before we head out however, we have a ton of things to close out here in Dhaka.  Shipping, minimizing our stuff to ship, finding a new family for our bearer, saying goodbye to friends, and oh yeah, we still have to finish the school year.  HA!  This is our life now, and we would not change it for the world.  The four of us being able to travel the world, make new friends, see amazing sights, live in places we only saw on TV back home, be part of different cultures simply by living in the middle of them, work with students from around the world (literally), go on school trips to new countries, the list is endless.  Still, our only regret is not listening to our friends Tracy & Ian and not doing this sooner.

Dhaka, you are a compact, wild, very interesting city in a beautiful country (Bangladesh) that has many more beauties than we were able to see in our short time here.  We leave you with many great friends to look after.  Waalaikum Assalaam.

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