Thursday, April 21, 2016

Back Again!

Hey there everyone!  Sorry, trying to keep this blog updated is more than a notion...much easier to just post on Facebook or Twitter.  ;)  Anyway, I know some of you still appreciate checking this out every once in a while so I decided to do another post.

Well, since my last post a lot of things have happened.  We have been to Sri Lanka (again), Bali, Germany, and Nepal as a family.  We have also been to Thailand, Cambodia, India, Bali and Sri Lanka on class and/or sporting trips.  PHEW!!!  Too bad most of these trips were booked by the school...thousands of frequent flyer miles lost.  HA!  On top of all of this crazy travel, we have decided to take jobs in Brazil next year!!!  We are headed to Sao Paulo in July!  Perfect timing for the Olympics for any of you that want to come visit.  Just saying.

Pictures speak louder than words so I will post a few pics from our travels.

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