Friday, May 27, 2016

A farewell dinner

As this is the boy's last weekend in Dhaka, we told them they could invite some friends and have a farewell dinner.  Well, I am sitting in BBQ (they chose the venue despite many attempts to sway their opinion by Billie Jo) and in a small room there sits 20 kids, lots of laughs, yells of joy, and just an honest good time.  This is the best and the hardest part of our life.  At the end of every school year someone leaves. This time it is us that is leaving. Next year it will be someone else. Next year we will be at our new school and a new family will take our place here in Dhaka. It's the cycle of international teaching.

 It doesn't make it any easier knowing this truth. The goodbyes are still teary and difficult. And friendships made are deep and true. Maybe we will avoid the odd silence tonight when it's time to go, but I doubt it. For now though, they are exactly as they should be...without a care in the world about what is happening out side that room. This is our life and I wouldn't change it for anything.

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