Wednesday, February 22, 2012

And the journey begins...

Well, here we are getting ready to pack up and move halfway around the world. Are we nervous? YES! But more excited than anything. We are moving to Saudi Arabia in August and are looking at every blog, website, news article, image, etc. that we can find trying to find out what to expect 6 months from now.

Our initial "To Do List" (while waiting for our contracts and information packet - in no particular order)
1. Let all of the family know and answer the "Isn't that dangerous?" question about 100 times.
2. Get Passport Applications and turn them in.
3. Find a renter/buyer for our house.
4. Set up Skype accounts for everyone and begin Skypeing now.
5. Start eliminating all non-essential items at home.
6. Tell our friends & work.
7. Set up international bank account. (no clue how to do this one)
8. Write a will and set power of attorney. (wow, that sounds really morbid for some reason)
9. Read as much as we can about living in Saudi Arabia.
10. Begin taking as many pictures of friends and places we will miss as possible.

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